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How to stop eating

If you ever find yourself beginning to eat and then discover that you don't understand how you've eaten so much, you've come to the right article. If you want to learn how to stop eating too much food, then read this article through to the end.

  • The top 5 secrets to stop eating compulsively

1. Choose food that you like, as opposed to "diet" food and low calorie options, as these will always lead to feeling of deprivation and trigger an overeating episode.

2. Eat regular meals and avoid getting too hungry to the point that you are unable to make rational choices. Have balanced meals on a regular basis so that your body is not thrown into starvation mode

3. Find a support group or another avenue to talk about what you are going through. You are not the only person with compulsive eating disorder, although it may feel like it. Being able to share your thoughts and feelings with others who have similar experiences is transformation and therapeutic.

4. Take the focus off dieting and excessive meal planning. This only fuels the obsession to eat and triggers compulsive overeating.

5. Have some alternative behaviors that you can turn to when the urge to eat compulsively overcomes you. Some suggestions include taking a walk, calling another person, listening to uplifting music, doing a guided meditation. Do anything that is self soothing and distracting.

  • Drink water more often:

I often find that my body can't distinguish between being thirsty and hungry. Often, a drink will help me overcome my cravings. I love green tea with raw honey or a simple glass of water. Works nearly every time.

  • Turn off the TV :

As hard as this could be, turning off the TV - even if it's for a week plays an instrumental role in suppressing boredom eating. Though watching TV isn't necessarily unfit, it does engender boredom and boredom eating. We find ourselves watching too much TV due to habitual tendencies. Consequentially, we indulge in episodes of endless eating to better the experience. Whenever you get the urge to reach for a snack while watching, ask yourself why. If it's because you are bored, turn off the boob tube and try out something more occupying like taking a stroll or calling on a friend.

  • Clear your kitchen:

I trust that your list will help you to stop buying fattening foods. Now, you need to deal with those foods which you still have in your home. I want you to go through your kitchen and eliminate all foods which can make you fat. In particular, avoid those foods which you tend to overeat on. By eliminate I don't mean that you should have one final feast. You need to start eating healthy today. Not tomorrow or the next day. Just throw this food out or give it away.

  • Remind yourself about what you will feel like:

Write down exactly what you feel like after you've eaten. Write down every emotion and exactly what it makes you feel like. If you read that it makes you even sadder or even mad at yourself, you might think twice about eating the next time.

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